Any individual who discovers a valuable mineral deposit on public lands can obtain a mining claim for that deposit. The locater of the minerals acquires a possessory interest in the claim, which is a form of transferable property. 任何在公共上地上发现了有价值的矿藏的个人享有可转让的排他占有权。
Party A or its successor in interest is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damages for the breach of contract. 甲方或者其权利继受人有权主张终止合同或索赔。
Labor dispute and interest protection, traffic accident claim and handling, civil tort, civil liability; 劳动争议及权益保护、交通肇事的处理及索赔、民事侵权、民事责任相关法律事务;
The effects are worst for men who might think they are not "in the same league" as the woman now sharing their space but still try to attract her interest, scientists claim. 科学家解释说,对那种认为陌生女性与他并不是“一类人”的男性来讲,这种影响更为糟糕,他们会极力想方设法吸引这类女性的注意。
An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained. 没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的。而任何根据这类合同提出的索赔都不会被受理。
If you should have a claim, you are the insured and the insurance company who issued the policy has a vested interest in handling the claim promptly and fairly. 如果你应该有一个人,你是投保人与保险的公司是谁签发的政策有既得利益在处理索赔迅速和公正的。
The humanity in order to pursue the economic interest, has carried on the non-limit claim to the nature and the depletive development, has brought the serious destruction for the ecological environment and threatens and is affecting the society stable and development. 摘要人类为了追求经济利益,对自然进行了无限度的开发,给生态环境带来了严重的破坏并威胁和影响着社会的稳定与发展。
Owner's equity refers to the interest or the claim of the investors remaining in the net assets of an enterprise. 业主权益是指企业投资人对企业净资产的所有权或要求权。
To purify social atmosphere and protect the lawful interest of the no-fault party, the law must entitle her/ him the right of claim for damage compensation. 为了纯化社会风气,保护无过错配偶方的合法权益,法律必须授予其损害赔偿请求权。
This paper concentrates on life insurance model with stochastic rate of interest, we discuss the properties of average claim amount in a portfolio of policies. 本文针对随机利率寿险模型,考虑一保单组的平均给付额的性质。
The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deduction of its liabilities is called equity and is a claim or right to the net assets of the entity. 个体的资产减除负债数后的剩余权力叫做权益,并且是对个体的净余资产的一个主张或权利。
The ratings agencies accept that conflicts of interest exist, but claim they have mitigated them through a disclosure of models and ratings. 评级机构承认利益冲突的存在,但它们声称,通过披露模型和评级,它们缓和了这些冲突。
Although security companies have a vested interest in talking up the likelihood of hacking attacks, they claim that many companies secretly admit to having been hacked. 尽管谈论黑客攻击的可能性涉及安全公司的利益,他们仍说有许多公司私下承认曾受到攻击。
I believe we sent you an interest claim six weeks ago. 我想六周前给你们发了一张利息索要清单。
Being lack of expression consciousness, farmers are weak in claim their interest, or claim ineffectively, which affects their own interest and the rural reform, development and stability. 囿于利益表达意识的缺失,农民经常无力表达、消极表达,不仅影响到农民根本利益的维护和实现,也制约着农村的改革、发展和稳定。
The term owner's equity refers to the owner's interest in or claim upon the business. proprietorship, capital, and net worth are other terms for owner's equity. 所有者权益一词指的是所有者在实业中的利益和对实业的主张权。业主权,资本和净值都是所有者权益的其它表达方式。
It is absolutely true that the theory of Real Right Act damages the seller` s interest and the fairness of trade by transforming the seller` s claim for ownership into claim for illegal profit. 物权行为理论将出卖人的所有权请求权转化为不当得利请求权,无可争议地损害了出卖人利益,牺牲交易公正。
Interest rate risk and contingent claim pricing 利率风险与或有权益定价
To protect and realize their interests, different interest groups formed by differentiation claim to participate more in politics little by little. 因分化二形成的不同利益群体,为更好地保护和实现自己的利益,逐渐要求跟多地参与政治。
In this paper, assume that interest is stochastic, using martingale method, we deal with pricing formula of European contingent claim on foreign currency, and obtain price of European call and put option. 在随机利率情形下,利用鞅方法给出外汇欧式未定权益定价公式,得到了欧式看涨期权和看跌期权价格解析表达式及平价关系;
In respect of marine insurance, the existence of insurable interest is a necessary pre-condition for the insured to make a claim. 在海上保险中,保险利益的存在是投保人或被保险人获得保险赔偿的必要前提。
This paper studies the double generalized risk model with interest and diffusion. The premium income and the claim are a generalized Poisson process in this model. The Lundberg inequality of ruin probability is obtained by the method of martingale. 讨论了带利率和干扰因素的双广义Poisson风险模型,模型中保费的收入和理赔都是广义Poisson过程,应用鞅论的方法,得到了破产概率的Lundberg不等式。
The noumenon of the right reflects the interest, and the claim right is occurred due to the inviolability of the noumenon of the right. 权利本体是权利所含利益价值的根本反映,而请求权则是由权利本体不可侵性而衍生的一种权能。
In order to protect the legitimate interest of the victim, the law should endow the victim with the right to claim damages. 为了保护受害人的合法权益,应当赋予受害人对其配偶的损害赔偿请求权。
Based on the concept of the library right, this paper analyzes the five factors of library right, including freedom, interest, claim, entitlement and power. 从图书馆权利的概念出发,分析图书馆权利包含自由、利益、主张、资格和力量五个要素;
The renewal risk model with constant interest force is discussed. The surplus U δ( T k) at claim occurrence times T k is a Markov chain with transition probability Q ( x, B). 讨论了常利率下的更新风险模型,证明了索赔时刻Tk的资产余额Uδ(Tk)(k0)构成一个齐次马尔科夫链,且给出其转移概率Q(x,B)。
A Research of the Interest of Claim in Law of Procedure for Environmental Dispute Resolution The second part analyses the basic theory of the plaintiff qualification on administration litigation. 环境民事诉讼诉的利益研究第五部分运用民事诉讼中诉的利益理论和当事人适格理论分析行政诉讼原告资格的法理基础。
Return of the content of the bill interest relationship is this article core, namely bill interests return claim. 其中票据利益返还关系的内容是本文的核心,即票据利益返还请求权。
In political system, members who have the same interest form group to realize their interest claim through group activities. 与市场经济中的分散行为不同,政治体系中,具有共同利益的个人组成集团,通过集体活动实现其利益目标。
Construction claim is a common practice for the Contractor to hold his interest and benefits in the international projects, as the internationalization of construction market; the construction claim system is developing in our country. 工程索赔是国际工程中承包商维护自身利益的惯例做法,随着建筑市场的国际化,工程索赔制度在我国不断发展与完善。